It's an unfortunate fact that at Still Stitching, we have a long waiting list of customers hoping to have their vintage sewing machine custom painted.
Occasionally, when we attempt to notify a customer that their turn is coming up, they fail to respond. We allow 48 hours, but if we do not hear from the client, we must move on to the next person on the list. If you respond within a week, we will still keep you in your position on the list, but in all likelihood, you will have missed an opportunity to get a firm scheduling date.
We are currently filling positions for the 2023 calendar year, so please watch for our message. We use the email address you provided us when you first asked to be on our list.
If your email address has changed, use our contact form to reach us, and you can also drop us a note via our Facebook page. DO NOT rely on commenting on one of our posts as a means of contacting us. Use the messaging feature. We don't mind if you email us and message us on Facebook to make sure you reach us - we understand how eager our customers are to make sure we keep them on the list!